Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feeding nightmare

It's getting more & more difficult to feed Lucas these days.

Refused milk, refused porridge.

When it's milk feeding time, he will just suck the bottle but no milk is being drink. He looks as if he is drinking with the sucking sound but when I put the bottle down, it's still at 7 oz!!!

When it comes to porridge feeding, eyes rubbing, head swinging, lips tightly closed, staring at the TV (even when it's showing the news) and treat me as if I'm transparent!!

When you ask, "Lucas, do you want your stars?" His will grin from ear to ear and start shouting "Star Star"
("Stars" is actually the Gerber baby cereals in star shape and that's where he learnt the word)
When he sees that container of Post cereal on the coffee table, he will shout for "mum mum"
He just loves his biscuits but I can't be giving him that all the time.

I know kids tends to refuse food or have poor appetite. Hope I will get over these soon!

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