Monday, June 15, 2009

Bento for Jasmine

As Lucas is still too young to eat the kiddy bentos, so it's not very often that I make them.

And since Jasmine is on school holidays now, that gives me a chance to make one for her.

Potato salad moulded in star, heart and bear (sorry, it don't looks like one again..) shape.

Rabbit cut out from cheese on plain cracker and some grapes for side.

Jasmine has been telling me how much she wants to try the baby mash potato that I made for Lucas. But the mash potato has to be served hot and that makes it quite difficult for me to prepare one for her.

So I made this potato salad instead.

Potato Salad Recipe


  1. Potatoes (4 large)

  2. Carrots (1 large)

  3. Crab stick (6 pcs)

  4. Eggs (3 pcs)

  5. Japanese cucumber (1 large)

  6. Mayonnaise (1 small can)

  7. Some butter


  1. Boiled potatoes, carrots and eggs

  2. Mash up potatoes with butter, set aside

  3. Mash up eggs, set aside

  4. Diced carrot and Japanese cucumber

  5. Shred crab stick (straight from the chiller after washing, no need to boil)

  6. Add in diced carrot, Japanese cucumber, shred crab stick, eggs & mayo and blend everything together.

  7. Chill it before serving

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