It's been quite a while since I last update the blog.
Many things happened and we were all kept busy.
My dad's went for the heart valve replacement operations and it "managed" to succeed. Thanks to all the prayers from families and friends.
Hopefully he will be able to relax and enjoy life as he moves into his golden years.
Chinese New Year came and go. As usual, we need to do the ever tiring spring cleaning. This year my part time helper gone MIA. But luckily, I got a backup.. Mr Wee... (aka my hubby) who did almost 90% of the cleaning... LOL
I just sit back and shake leg... plus making sure that Little Lucas do not disturb his daddy when he is busying cleaning away... :D
At the same time, there's a piece of very sad news. I can't believe that this could happen within my circle of friends and it made me shivered when I received the news.
I can tell how much she yearn for a child but putting it on hold while her hubby build up his career. And when finally the chance came and the child was born, the poor little one was diagnose with DS. How devastating that could be to the parents!!
This made me ponder if no. 2 is really a wise choice for me...
Next to my little rascal.. only 4 words to describe the present him
Not as if he don't understand instructions, but he chose to disobey them.
You ask him to come to you, he will take his own sweet time, picking toys along the way before finally the ROAR came and he will start running over.
You ask him not to run, he will run even faster. You want to hold his hand, he says he will walk slowly. You ask him to walk, he wants to be carry!!
Urinated twice onto my bed when he knows he should tell us to bring him to the toilet & pee
Washing his toy car / motorbike with the water from the water feature in our living room when he knows he shouldn't be touching it at all.
Scream, shout and cry like nobody business when I bring him to his weekend enrichment classes when in fact he is attending 2 hours playgroup which my mum brings him to everyday without a single whine.
I hope this Terrible Two will really end soon. It's really a nightmare and I am turning into a witch!! Don't believe it?? Ask Mr Wee...
MoRe oBsEsSiOnS…
15 years ago
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